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Handelsbanken APIs
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Our APIs
The APIs listed below are the PSD2 APIs available as of today.
Click on the links below to read more information about the APIs such as the country specific pages which contain important business rules and you'll also find a link to all our API products.
PSD2 Accounts Information API
GET /accounts
"accounts": [
"accountId": "ae577250-6cf3-11e9-9c41-e957ce7d7d69",
"iban": "SE5460000000000403333911",
"bban": "403333911",
"currency": "EUR",
"accountType": "Current Account",
"bic": "HANDSESS",
"clearingNumber": "6295",
"name": "Vacation Account",
"ownerName": "John Smith",
"_links": {
"transactions": {
Our Account Information API provides you with our our mutual customers' account information, balances and transactions. Please visit our product information page to find out more.
PSD2 Card Account Information API
GET /card-accounts
"cardAccounts": [
"accountId": "ae577250-6cf3-11e9-9c41-e957ce7d7d69",
"cards": [
"maskedPan": "5123********3283"
"currency": "SEK",
"product": "Platinum",
"creditLimit": {
"currency": "SEK",
"amount": 2000
"balances": [
"accountId": "ae577250-6cf3-11e9-9c41-e957ce7d7d69",
"iban": "SE5460000000000403333911",
"bban": "403333911",
"currency": "EUR",
"accountType": "Current Account",
"bic": "HANDSESS",
"clearingNumber": "6295",
"name": "Vacation Account",
"ownerName": "John Smith",
"_links": {
"transactions": {
Our Card Account Information API provides you with our mutual customers' card information, balances and transactions. Please visit our product information page to find out more.
PSD2 Confirmation of Funds API
POST /funds-confirmations
"cardNumber": 1234567890123456,
"account": {
"iban": "SE5460000000000403333911"
"payee": "ABC LTD",
"instructedAmount": {
"currency": "SEK",
"amount": 33633.25
Our Confirmation of Funds API provides you with a quick availability of funds on a given payment account. Please visit our product information page to find out more.
PSD2 Payment Initiation API
POST /payments/{paymentProduct}
"debtorAccount": {
"value": "401934551",
"accountType": "BBAN"
"instructedAmount": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 1000.00
"paymentTypeInformation": {
"serviceLevel": {
"code": "NURG"
"categoryPurpose": {
"code": "EUSE"
Our Payment Initiation API enables you to develop solutions to initiate payments and transfers, both domestic and cross-border. Please visit our product information page to find out more.
You can find all of our APIs listed here All API products