Change log
Here you'll find the latest major updates on our APIs & Developer Portal.
March 2025
Handelsbanken now offers BankId in Sweden to initiate a cross-border payment.October 2024
Handelsbanken now provides account list and balances, within PIS, supporting an easier and simpler payment intiation process.
We have added an account list endpoint with available amounts for private customers. To use this endpoint an extra SCA is required but provides the benefit for the customer to only give a short term consent. A similar feature has also been added to AIS; a short term consent to provide account list and balances.
May 2024
On 31 May 2023 Handelsbanken Group announced that it would sell part of its Finnish operations. This sale is expected to be closed in the second half of 2024 S-Bank: Private customers including asset management and investment services. The migration is expected to take place in end of November and beginning of December 2024. Oma Savings Bank: Small and medium-sized companies. The migration is expected to take place on 30st of August 2024. Remaining accounts and payment services for customers that has not been migrated to the banks mentioned above or moved by the customer to another bank will be closed in two phases: services for private customers and corporate customers respectively. • Accounts, online banking agreements, payment services and debit cards for private customers will be closed on March 31st 2025. • Accounts, online banking agreements, payment services for corporate customers will be closed on June 30th 2025.
Handelsbanken PSD2 APIs for the Finish market will be open until dates presented above. More information regarding response codes etc. will be published later in the Developer portal. Existing consents will not be migrated and TPPs need set up connection to the new banks if not in place already. Links to Developer portals; Oma Savings bank; S-bank;
February 2023
For several years we have offered general PSD2 APIs that service all (supported) countries, which has worked well, but as we have found certain countries have different requirements / regulations, sometimes a one-size doesn't fit all. So we are happy to advise that we now offer specific APIs for customers based in Great Britain, as follows:
Account & Card Information API GB
This one API includes all endpoints for requesting Consent, retrieving GB Account info and Charge Card info. We have also added a "Corporate ID" (a unique 6 digit Handelsbanken number used internally to identify Corporate customers only) into the GET/ accounts response. This ID is required when you are initiating a Payment (known as the "PSU-Corporate-ID" in the header) and is often not known by the customer, so by us providing it to you, it will improve your user flow.
Link to API: (you must be logged into our Developer Portal to view the information) Account and Card Information API GB
Payment Initiation API GB
This API allows you to initiate payments and transfers for GB customers (and works the same as the general Payment Initiation API).
Link to API: (you must be logged into our Developer Portal to view the information) Payment Initiation API GB
Confirmation of Funds API GB
This API allows you to check if funds are available on a GB customer's account (and works the same as the general Confirmation of Funds API).
Link to API: (you must be logged into our Developer Portal to view the information) Confirmation of Funds API
We ask that you please move over to our new APIs as soon as it's convenient for you to do so, as we will remove GB from the general Consents API in 3 months. Whilst the general APIs will continue to function in parallel with the new APIs for GB customers for the next 3 months, the biggest benefit from switching over to the new APIs is that you will receive the PSU-Corporate-ID in the Account & Card API, which improves the user flow for the Payments API.
December 2021
We have a new and improved guide on how to test our PSD2 Account and Card Account APIs in Sandbox:
Sandbox testing guide for AISP
May 2021
New Card Account Information attribute documents (very helpful!)
As we have one Card Accounts API for all the countries we operate in, we realise that it can be a little confusing in the API documentation to see which attributes are applicable for each country. To make the information more accessible to you, we have created attribute documents per country. We've also moved most of the business rules from the country specific pages, into the new attributes documents, so all the info you need is in one place. Please use the API documentation in conjunction with these pages!
The pdf docs can be found under the "Card Accounts API Attributes" sections on the following pages:
Country specific Card Account rules Sweden
Country specific Card Account rules Great Britain
March 2021
Streamlined Consent flow for GB customers
After listening to your feedback about the Consent flow for GB customers, we are happy to say we've streamlined the process! It is now much easier for Corporate customers to give consent to TPPs to access their account information. You can read more about it underneath the Corporate customers section on this page:
Country specific Account & Card rules Great Britain
November 2020
New Account Information attribute documents (very helpful!)
As we have one Accounts API for all the countries we operate in, we realise that it can be a little confusing (in the swagger files) to see which attributes are applicable for each country (unless you use our Sandbox test documentation). To make the information more accessible to you, we have created attribute documents for all countries, per customer type (Individual / Corporate). We've also moved some of the business rules from the country specific pages, into the new attributes documents, so all the info you need is in one place. Please use the swagger files in conjunction with these new docs!
The pdf docs can be found under the "Accounts API Attributes" sections on the following pages:
Country specific Account & Card rules Sweden
Country specific Account & Card rules Great Britain
Country specific Account rules Finland
Country specific Account rules The Netherlands
Country specific Account rules Luxembourg
April 2020
New and improved API Technical Guidelines!
As we understand the complexities of integrating, we have split our Technical Guidelines to make it easier to find the information depending on what you want to do (e.g. retrieve account information, initiate payments). We've also gone more in depth into all of the necessary steps and provided examples of the requests and responses. We suggest starting at "Technical Guidelines" and working your way through.
March 2020
GB Corporate Payments are LIVE
We are now live with Corporate Payments API for Great Britain. You can find general information related to the Payment Initiation API here (link to the API product can be found at the bottom of the page):
For GB country specific rules (including cut off times) and the all important Implementation Guidelines, please see the below link:
Country specific Payment rules Great Britain
January 2020
SE Card Account Information API
You can now retrieve Credit Card and Charge Card information for Swedish Individual customers by using our Card Account Information API.
December 2019
Updated Payment Implementation Guidelines
We've recently updated the country specific Implementation Guidelines for our Payment Initiation API. These guidelines contain essential information such as which fields, formats and values are needed for the payment types available.
Please make sure you read them if you offer Payment Initiation services. It's important for you to know that the information can vary per country, per customer type and per payment type!
To find the Implementation Guidelines, click on the below link and then go to the "Country specific information" section. Then click on the country you are interested in and then go to "Implementation Guidelines".
November 2019
Confirmation of Funds v2 released
We've now launched v2 of our Confirmation of Funds API in the Live environment and in our Sandbox. You can check out the details by following the link below.
October 2019
Simplified Technical Guidelines
Based on feedback received, we've now simplified our Technical Guidelines to make it faster and easier to integrate with us. Please make sure you read them before you start integrating with our APIs.
September 2019
PSD2 goes live!
PSD2 is now live across Europe as of the 14th September 2019. If you find that you need some extra support from us, please contact us and we'll be happy to help you.