Country specific Account rules
The Netherlands
Country specific information about our Account Information API and its implementation rules.
Individual customers
SCA Methods
The strong customer authentication (SCA) methods and security solutions applicable for Dutch Individual customers are:
- Redirect: Card reader and log-on card, with / without cable
Payment Accounts
We will deliver PSD2 Payment Accounts for Individual customers.
Attributes for the Accounts API
In the below document you'll find which attributes are applicable for Dutch customers, as well as other rules for Accounts (e.g. the maximum number of transactions).
Accounts API - NL attributes document
Corporate customers
SCA Methods
The strong customer authentication (SCA) methods and security solutions applicable for Dutch Corporate customers are:
- Redirect: Card reader and log-on card, with / without cable
Payment Accounts
We will deliver PSD2 Payment Accounts for Corporate customers. Cashpool Accounts are not included.
When sending in a request using our Consent API, the TPP needs to add a "PSU-Corporate-ID" into the header. For Dutch Corporates, this is a local 6-digit Handelsbanken customer number. The customer should contact their local Account Manager to obtain this number.
Corporate mandate
For the end user / agent (PSU) to be able to access the Corporate customer's account information or make payments, they need to have the appropriate permissions as per the Corporate mandate. An end user's permissions can be updated by the Corporate customer's administrator in the Handelsbanken online services or by contacting their local branch.
GlobalOn-Line customers
Our Account Information API is not available for GlobalOn-Line (GOL) customers. However, if these customers would like to access their accounts through your TPP services using this API, they will need to sign a local Corporate Internet agreement (which will be in addition to their GOL agreement). The customer needs to contact their local Account Manager for this request.
The customer will still need to obtain their local 6-digit customer number, which they will need to ask their local Account Manager about. The TPP needs to make sure this customer number is added as the "PSU-Corporate-ID" in the header of the Consent API request. This will then allow the customer to access their accounts.
Attributes for the Accounts API
In the below document you'll find which attributes are applicable for Dutch customers, as well as other rules for Accounts (e.g. the maximum number of transactions).
Accounts API - NL attributes document