Country specific Payment rules

Country specific information about our Payment Initiation API and its implementation rules.


General Information

Here you'll find useful information regarding our Payment Initiation API for Sweden, such as country specific rules, the Implementation Guidelines for all the payment types, additional info about Cross-border payments and general rules for our payment products.

As we operate worldwide, the services we offer are tailored for each market, so it's important to bear in mind that there can be differences between all of the countries and their payment products.

SCA Methods

The strong customer authentication (SCA) methods and security solutions applicable for Swedish customers are:

- Redirect: Card reader, log-on card, with / without cable and Mobile BankID*
- Decoupled: Mobile BankID

Payment products

For Individual and Corporate banking customers, we provide Transfers between own accounts, Domestic transfers, Giro-payments and Cross-Border payments, Cancellations, Signing Basket (only for individuals) and short term consent (only for individuals). Please refer to the Implementation Guidelines (MIGs) for all payment types supported and the requirements for implementing them.

KYC (Know Your Customer)

In order to initiate payments, the customer must have a valid KYC (Know Your Customer) at Handelsbanken. If there isn't a valid KYC, you (as the TPP) will receive a 403 error code when trying to initiate payments. Please refer the customer to the Bank / their online banking where they will find instructions.


For Corporate banking customers, when sending in a request using our POST endpoint, you need to add a "PSU-Corporate-ID" into the header. For Swedish Corporates, this is their Organisation number or SHB number, and for Sole Traders (Enskild firma), it is their Social Security Number, all of which are 10 digits.

Corporate mandate

For the end user / agent (PSU) to be able to access the Corporate customer's account information or make payments, they need to have the appropriate permissions as per the Corporate mandate, as well as the "Additional service API Corporate". An end user's permissions can be updated by the Corporate customer's administrator in the Handelsbanken online services by going to “Administration” and then “Mandates”, or by contacting their local branch.

If a countersignature for a payment is necessary as per the mandate between the Corporate customer and Handelsbanken, please advise the customer to address this within their Online Banking.

Mobile BankID

If the SCA method ”Mobile BankID” is selected, and the Mobile BankID wasn't issued by Handelsbanken (i.e. another bank issued it), it needs to be activated before it can be used. This is achieved by the end user (PSU) logging into the Handelsbanken online services (for the first time).

For Corporate customers, an end user must also have the appropriate permission "Additional service Log in with Mobile BankID" if they wish to log in using Mobile BankID. This can be updated by the Corporate customer's administrator in the Handelsbanken online services by going to “Administration” and then “Mandates”, or by contacting their local branch.


Implementation Guidelines

Within the link below, you’ll find all the payment types that you can offer to our Individual and Corporate customers. We also detail what fields, formats and values are required for each payment type.

It's really important that you follow these guidelines to ensure that payments do not get rejected due to incorrect information.

Swedish Implementation Guidelines


Cross-border payments (additional details)

Here you'll find additional information required when initiating a cross-border payment, including cut-off times. This information goes hand in hand with the above Implementation Guidelines.

Please note that to initiate a cross-border payment, the customer is required to use the signing method Card reader with cable.

Swedish Payments cross-border details


General payment rules

The table below contains general rules, cut-off times and processing rules, applicable to the payments that you can offer to our mutual customers. Cross-border payment cut-off times can be found in the section above.

Please note that other rules can apply when the payment is initiated on the day before a Bank holiday, or when a particular SCA approach is used.



General rules

Cut-off time

Processing rules

Giro payment, corporate

Bank- and PlusGiro

Corporates require Bankgiro and/or Plusgiro number connected to the account

CET 09:45 

Executed next day

Giro payment, private

Bank- and PlusGiro

CET 23:55 

Executed next day


Own accounts within SHB



Processed immediately

With conversion within SHB

One of the accounts must be in SEK.

Accessible banking days

CET 08:00 - 18:00*

Processed immediately

Between non-SEK accounts within SHB

Must be in same currency

Accessible banking days

CET 08:00-18:00

Processed immediately

To other banks

Only SEK

CET 14:00 

Processed through SE clearing same day

*Permitted days are business days in chosen currency.