FX Service API

Available APIs

APIs (application programming interfaces) are integration points that allow two different programs or systems to communicate with each other. In the realm of Foreign Exchange, APIs enable tasks that would traditionally necessitate phone calls or the use of separate platforms to be fully automated. To harness the potential of FX APIs, either client-facing third-party system providers or clients themselves may integrate their systems to communicate their FX business with the bank.

FX Trade Retriever

The Trade Retriever assists clients in automating their post-trade management by enabling them to retrieve both settled and unsettled FX arrangements they hold with the bank. To use this API, users will provide a settlement span, and the API will return details about every FX arrangement the client has within the given span. Use-cases for this API includes automated bookkeeping and reconciliation.

FX Indicative Rates

The Indicative Rates API is crafted to furnish clients with pre-trade price awareness capabilities. Indicative quotes mirror the FX rates available for trading through the Market Order API. A use-case might involve obtaining an indicative market rate before initiating a trade. The available products include Spot rates, Forward all-in rates, and Swap points.

Market Order

The Market Order API is tailored for straightforward currency conversions carried out at the prevailing market rate. Designed for simplicity, the API streamlines this process with a single request/reply. It enables clients to execute the conversion as a spot transaction or on a date of the users preference, including the option to move FX cashflows with a Swap.

API Description

Overall information

This section provides information that are common for all endpoints


For use of API, a token must be fetched according to the instructions Here

Each request must contain these headers:

Authorization which should contain a bearer token with the BASE64-encoded JWT
X-IBM-Client-Id this header contains the unique identifier of your application, that you get when you are onboarded to a Premium API.

FX Trade Retriever

The Trade Retriever assists clients in automating their post-trade management by enabling them to retrieve both settled and unsettled FX arrangements they hold with the bank

 GET /premium/v1/premium-fx-trade-retriever/{orgNr}/fx-trades
Path Parameters

orgNr The organization number of the company.MANDATORY

Query Parameters

from-date Start date of the transactions in ISO 8601 format. Mandatory.
to-date End date of the transactions in ISO 8601 format. Mandatory.


When successful, the payload consists of an array with an object with the following fields:

Name Description
orderId OrderId assigned by Bank as string
tradeId Trade id as string
clientOrderRef Unique identifier for the order as assigned by client as string. This will be echoed back from the request
legId leg identifier as number
side Side of the Order. Can be either SELL or BUY. In the case of a Swap, the side should reflect the far leg of the transaction. E.g. on a sell/buy, BUY and bid price should be used from near leg and offer price should be used from far leg.
tradingCurrency ISO 4217 Currency code
contraCurrency ISO 4217 Currency code
transactionAmount transaction amount as fractional digit
rate Price of the trade as fractional digit (Spot rate for Spots, All-in rate for Outrights, Near leg all in for Swaps).
spotRate The spot rate of the trade as number.
forwardPoints F/X forward points added to SpotRate as fractional digit. May be a negative value. Expressed in formatted form. For example, 61.99 points
symbols Currency pair in format CCY1CCY2. ISO 4217 Currency code (3 character) values
valueDate Value date according to ISO 8601. I.e. yyyy-MM-dd
executionDate Timestamp when the business transaction represented by the message occurred.
Represented in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) in ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:SS
product Product. Must be one of SPOT, FORWARD, SWAP, BLOCK, NDF
tenor Specifies the tenor for the order
Examples Request

curl /premium-fx-trade-retriever/5560451808/fx-trades?from-date=2024-01-23&to-date=2025-01-23


  "contraCurrency": "SEK",
  "executionDate": "2025-03-06 14:16:48",
  "forwardPoints": 0.0,
  "legSource": "NEAR",
  "orderId": "889453",
  "product": "SPOT",
  "rate": 10.23456,
  "side": "SELL",
  "spotRate": 10.2322,
  "symbol": "EUR/SEK",
  "tradeId": "FX.112023",
  "tradingCurrency": "EUR",
  "transactionAmount": 1000000.0,
  "valueDate": "2025-01-17"
  "contraCurrency": "SEK",
  "executionDate": "2025-03-0614:16:48",
  "forwardPoints": 1.22,
  "legSource": "NEAR",
  "orderId": "889454",
  "product": "FORWARD",
  "rate": 10.23456,
  "side": "SELL",
  "spotRate": 10.2322,
  "symbol": "EUR/SEK",
  "tenor": "1M",
  "tradeId": "FX.112824",
  "tradingCurrency": "EUR",
  "transactionAmount": 1000000.0,
  "valueDate": "2025-02-17"

Status codes

On non 2xx-status codes the response will be an error response describing the problem. The format is compliant with problem+json

Code Description
200 Successful, transaction found within the time range
204 Successful, no transaction found within the time range
400 Requested organization has no account for FX trades or invalid values for parameters
401 Service provide is not authorized to make requests for this customer
503 Service not available at the moment

example curl requests

FX Indicative Rates

Indicative quotes mirror the FX rates available for trading through the Market Order API.

GET /premium-fx-indicative-rates/{orgNr}/spot
GET /premium-fx-indicative-rates/{orgNr}/swap
GET /premium-fx-indicative-rates/{orgNr}/fwd
Path Parameters

orgNr The organization number of the company.MANDATORY

Query Parameters

ccy-pairs - the requested ccy-pairs, a ccy-pair is two concatenated currency codes Mandatory.
value-dates - A comma separated list of requested value dates. Each Value date according to ISO 8601. I.e. yyyy-MM-dd
tenors - A comma-seaprated list of requested tenors. Supported tenors are described further down in the page

at least one value-date or tenor is required but a query can mix a combination of tenors and value dates in the query. Please note limitations applies how may tenors/dates that can be requested in the same query


When successful, the payload consists of an array for each requested ccy-pair given values-dates and/or tenors object with the following fields:

name description spot swap fwd
symbol Currency pair in format CCY1CCY2. ISO 4217 Currency code (3 character) values x x x
bid bid as string x x x
ask ask as string x x x
valueDate Value date according to ISO 8601. I.e. yyyy-MM-dd x x x
timeOfUpdate Timestamp when the rate was updated. Represented in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) in ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX x x x
rateStatus Status. Must be one of ok, na or stale x x x
Status codes

On non 2xx-status codes the response will be an error response describing the problem. The format is compliant with problem+json

Code Description
200 Successful, all requested prices are found
206 Successful, but only a partial set of prices could be found
400 Invalid request
401 Service provider is not authorized to make requests for this customer
404 Could not find any prices
503 Service not available (Temporary)

curl /premium-fx-indicative-rates/5560451808/spot?ccy-pairs=SEKUSD


  "ask": "0.09212",
  "bid": "0.08939",
  "rateStatus": "ok",
  "symbol": "SEKUSD",
  "timeOfUpdate": "2025-01-23T11:38:49.444Z",
  "valueDate": "2025-01-27"

FX Market Order

Enables clients to execute the conversion as a spot transaction or on a date of the users preference,

POST /premium/v1/premium-fx-market-order/{id}/spot
POST /premium/v1/premium-fx-market-order/{id}/swap
POST /premium/v1/premium-fx-market-order/{id}/fwd
Path Parameters

orgNr The organization number of the company.MANDATORY

Query Parameters

There are no query paremeters for the request


The Market Order API accepts a payload with the following fields:

m=mandatory, o=optional, n/a=forbidden

name description spot fwd swap
ccyPair CCY pair in format CCY1CCY2. ISO 4217 Currency code (3 character) values m m m
amount Order Amount as fractional digit m m m
amountCcy Currency that amount is expressed in. ISO 4217 Currency code (3 character) values m m m
companyId Identifier for the company m m m
acocunt Account ID of the company that the request is done for. Absence of this field will default to CompanyId o o o
valueDate Near value date according to ISO 8601. I.e. yyyy-MM-dd o * *
tenor Specifies the tenor for the order o o o
user Name of trader or user responisble for this order o o o
side Side of the order. Must be either SELL or BUY m m m
farLegAmount Order Amount of far leg for swaps as number. Absence of this field will default to ner leg amount n/a n/a o
farLegValueDate Far value date according to ISO 8601. I.e. yyyy-MM-dd n/a n/a **
farLegTenor Specifies the tenor for the far leg of an FX Swap. n/a n/a **
clientOrderRef Unique identifier for the order as assigned by client. o o o

*) the valueDate or tenor must be set, not both **) the farLegValueDate or farLegTenor must be set, not both


When successful, the payload consists of an object with the following fields:

name description spot fwd swap
orderId OrderID as string assigned by Bank x x x
tradeId TradeID as string x x x
clientOrderRef Unique identifier for the order as assigned by client. This will be echoed back from the request x x x
legId LegID as number x x x
side Side of the Order. Can be either SELL or BUY. In the case of a Swap, the side should reflect the far leg of the transaction. E.g. on a sell/buy, BUY and bid price should be used from near leg and offer price should be used from far leg. x x x
tradingCurrency ISO 4217 Currency code for currency that amount is expressed in. x x x
contraCurrency ISO 4217 Currency code for contra currency x x x
transactionAmount transaction amount as fractional digit x x x
rate Price of the trade as fractional digit (Spot rate for Spots, All-in rate for Outrights, Near leg all in for Swaps). x x x
spotRate The spot rate of the trade as number. x x x
forwardPoints F/X forward points added to SpotRate. May be a negative value. Expressed in formatted form. For example, 61.99 points x x x
symbol Currency pair in format CCY1CCY2. ISO 4217 Currency code (3 character) values x x x
valueDate Value date according to ISO 8601. I.e. yyyy-MM-dd x x x
executionDate Timestamp when the business transaction represented by the message occurred. Represented in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) in ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:SS x x x
product Product. Must be one of SPOT, FORWARD, SWAP, BLOCK, NDF x x x
tenor Specifies the tenor for the order. x x x
status status x x x
Status codes
Code Description
200 Successful
400 Invalid request
401 Service provider is not authorized to make requests for this customer
503 Service not available (Temporary)
Examples Request

POST /v1/premium-fx-market-order/{id}/spot
{   "ccyPair": "EURUSD",
  "amount": 1000,
  "amountCcy": "EUR",
  "companyId": "string",
  "account": "string",
  "valueDate": "2030-05-20",
  "tenor": "SP",
  "user": "Gordon Gekko",
  "side": "string",
  "clientOrderRef": "MyUniqueId-12345"


  "orderId": 123,
  "tradeId": "FX.15532",
  "clientOrderRef": "Order#1234",
  "legId": 0,
  "side": "SELL",
  "tradingCurrency": "EUR",
  "contraCurrency": "USD",
  "transactionAmount": 10,
  "rate": 3.4,
  "spotRate": 1.2,
  "forwardPoints": 1.2,
  "symbol": "EURUSD",
  "valueDate": "2024-04-23",
  "executionDate": "2024-04-24",
  "product": "SPOT",
  "tenor": "SP",
  "status": "ok"


Supported tenors

The following tenors are supported:
TD, TM, SP, SN, 1W, 2W, 3W, 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 6M, 7M, 8M, 9M, 10M, 11M, 1Y, 13M, 14M, 15M, 18M, 21M, 2Y


Limitations applies how big queries can be sent to the system. The limitation applies both the number of requested items (currency-pairs, values-dates and tenors) are requested, how wide time-ranges that can be searched in the same query and the number of sent queries per minutes. In this case the api will return back an error code.