Confirmation of Funds API

This API is suitable for providing a quick availability of funds on a specific payment account before a transaction is made.


The benefits of using our APIs

By using our PSD2 Confirmation of Funds API, you can retrieve confirmation on whether there are available funds in the customer's account before initiating a transaction.

The latest version of this API now includes a full consent flow.


Available APIs

We provide two type of APIs, a general API and country specific APIs. However, we are aiming to have just country specific APIs. For Great Britain we have country specific APIs but for the other countries you have to use the common API. For Great Britain you can, at the moment, use both types.

Sweden, Great Britain and The Netherlands: We have one Confirmation of Funds API that supports all three countries.

Great Britain: We have a country specific Confirmation of Funds API for Individual and Corporate customers in Great Britain.

If you would like to access local APIs for Handelsbanken Norway (managed by an external provider), please visit Norway PSD2 APIs

All API products can be fount here: All API products


Country specific information

Here we have described important country specific information for this API that we would like you to be aware about:

Great Britain

For Individual customers based in GB, we cannot provide an available funds check on the following types of accounts:
- Impaired current accounts
- Current account mortgages
- Cash pool sub accounts

For Corporate customers based in GB, we cannot provide an available funds check on the following types of accounts:
- Impaired accounts
- Cash pool sub accounts
- Designated or client fund accounts


Testing our APIs

When you've read through the documentation on this page and are ready to start some testing, please head over to this guide which will take you through the testing: Sandbox testing


Implementing our Live APIs

When you've thoroughly tested our APIs and are ready to use our Live PSD2 APIs, you will first need to enroll with us. This can only be done by Third Party Providers that are authorised by their Local Competent Authority. If that applies to you, please follow this guide: Live Data Enrollment