Country specific Card Account rules
Country specific information about our Card Account Information API and its implementation rules.
Individual customers
SCA Methods
The strong customer authentication (SCA) methods and security solutions applicable for Finnish Individual customers are:
- Redirect: Security key card (Nyckelkodkort, Avaintunnuskortti)
- Redirect: Code application (Bekräfta-appen, Vahvista-sovellus)
Card Accounts
We will deliver Credit Card Accounts for Individual customers. Debit card transactions are not included in this Card Account Information API because they are included in the Account Information API. This also applies to the Credit / Debit (dual-PAN card product) whereby only the Credit Card Account information is provided via this API.
Jointly owned credit card accounts
Handelsbanken offers its customers the possibility for co-owned Credit Card Accounts. If it is an account that is co-owned, both account owners will see the same account information, including all transactions on all cards connected to the account.
Parallel card (extra card)
A Credit Card Account can have parallel cards (extra cards) where the cardholder should only see their own card transactions.
Attributes for the Card Accounts API
In the below document you'll find which attributes are applicable for Finnish Individual customers, as well as other rules for Card Accounts (e.g. the maximum number of transactions).
Card Accounts API Attributes FI Individuals document