Upcoming key dates for migration in Finland

Upcoming key dates

Handelsbanken is closing its operations in Finland. Account and payment traffic services will end during 2025. Here are the upcoming key dates for private and corporate customers:
• Credit Cards will be terminated on November 30, 2024.
• Mobile banking will close in alignment with the S-Bank migration, scheduled for November 29, 2024.
• Private customer accounts and internet bank agreements will be terminated on March 31, 2025.
• Debit cards will be terminated on march 17, 2025.
• Corporate accounts and payment services will be terminated on June 30, 2025.



Country specific Account rules

Country specific information about our Account Information API and its implementation rules.


Individual customers

SCA Methods

The strong customer authentication (SCA) methods and security solutions applicable for Finnish Individual customers are:

- Redirect: Security key card (Nyckelkodkort, Avaintunnuskortti)
- Redirect: Code application (Bekräfta-appen, Vahvista-sovellus)

Payment Accounts

We will deliver PSD2 Payment Accounts for Individual customers.

Attributes for the Accounts API

In the below document you'll find which attributes are applicable for Finnish customers, as well as other rules for Accounts (e.g. the maximum number of transactions).

Accounts API - FI attributes document


Corporate customers

SCA Methods

The strong customer authentication (SCA) methods and security solutions applicable for Finnish Corporate customers are:

- Redirect: Security key card (Nyckelkodkort, Avaintunnuskortti)
- Redirect: Code application (Bekräfta-appen, Vahvista-sovellus)

Payment Accounts

We will deliver PSD2 Payment Accounts for Corporate customers.


When sending in a request using our Consent API, you need to add a "PSU-Corporate-ID" into the header. For Finnish Corporates, this is either their official Business ID (e.g. 1234567-8) or a customer number issued by Handelsbanken Finland (e.g. 1234567890). If a customer does not have a Business ID registered with Handelsbanken, then the customer number issued by Handelsbanken should be used instead.

The number to use is displayed in the Corporate Internet bank settings (in Finnish: Yrityksen tiedot > Asiakastunnus; in Swedish: Företagsinformation > Kund-ID). When you include this number in the header, it is important that you use the same format as per the Internet bank (e.g. if there is a hyphen, it must be included).

Corporate mandate

For the end user / agent (PSU) to be able to access the Corporate customer's account information or make payments, they need to have the appropriate permissions as per the Corporate Internet bank agreement. An end user's permissions can be updated by contacting their local branch.

If the end user / agent (PSU) has permission to view accounts for multiple Corporate customers, the Get Accounts response will include all accounts that they have access to. This means that the accounts listed in the response may belong to multiple Corporate customers, rather than just one.

Attributes for the Accounts API

In the below document you'll find which attributes are applicable for Finnish customers, as well as other rules for Accounts (e.g. the maximum number of transactions).

Accounts API - FI attributes document