Country specific Payment rules

Country specific information about our Payment Initiation API and its implementation rules.


General Information

Here you'll find useful information regarding our Payment Initiation API for Finland, such as country specific rules, the Implementation Guidelines for all the payment types and general rules for our payment products.

As we operate worldwide, the services we offer are tailored for each market, so it's important to bear in mind that there can be differences between all of the countries and their payment products.

SCA Methods

The strong customer authentication (SCA) methods and security solutions applicable for Finnish customers are:

- Redirect: Security key card (Nyckelkodkort, Avaintunnuskortti)
- Redirect: Code application (Bekräfta-appen, Vahvista-sovellus)

Payment products

For Individual and Corporate banking customers, we provide SEPA Credit Transfers and Cross-Border Payments.

Payment accounts

Payments cannot be initiated from a non-euro account.

Corporate mandate

Payments that need to be countersigned as per the Mandate between the Corporate customer and Handelsbanken, cannot be initiated using the Payments API.


For Corporate customers, when sending in a request using our POST endpoint, you need to add a "PSU-Corporate-ID" into the header. For Finnish Corporates, this is either their official Business ID (e.g. 1234567-8) or a customer number issued by Handelsbanken Finland (e.g. 1234567890). If a customer does not have a Business ID registered with Handelsbanken, then the customer number issued by Handelsbanken should be used instead.

The number to use is displayed in the Corporate Internet bank settings (in Finnish: Yrityksen tiedot > Asiakastunnus; in Swedish: Företagsinformation > Kund-ID). When you include this number in the header, it is important that you use the same format as per the Internet bank (e.g. if there is a hyphen, it must be included).

Allowed list of countries for payments

If an Individual or Corporate customer wants to make payments to countries outside of Finland, then they must add them to their approved list within their online banking. This can be achieved by going to the main menu and then clicking "Countries where payments are allowed" (in Finnish: "Maksujen sallitut maat" / in Swedish "Tillåtna länder för betalningar"). The customer then chooses which countries should be added to their list.

If the customer has not added any other countries to their approved list and they try to make a payment to another country using your services, an error will be returned to you stating that the payment has been rejected due to the "Creditor agent country code is missing or invalid".


Implementation Guidelines

Within the link below, you’ll find all the payment types that you can offer to our Individual and Corporate customers. We also detail what fields, formats and values are required for each payment type.

It's really important that you follow these guidelines to ensure that payments do not get rejected due to incorrect information.

Finnish Implementation Guidelines


General payment rules

The table below contains general rules, cut-off times and processing rules, applicable to the payments that you can offer to our mutual customers. 



General rules

Cut-off time

Processing rules



Local or International Payment (EUR within Europe).

Maximum amount agreed with the customer.

19:15 EET on working days for payments to other banks.

Processed the same day, providing it’s received before the cut-off time.

Cross border

Normal / Express payment

International Payment (outside Europe or not in EUR) i.e. non-SEPA.

For EUR payments - maximum amount agreed with the customer.

For non-EUR payments - maximum amount is equivalent to 20 000 EUR.

18:30 EET on working days.

Processed the same day, providing it’s received before the cut-off time.