Upcoming key dates for migration in Finland

Upcoming key dates

Handelsbanken is closing its operations in Finland. Account and payment traffic services will end during 2025. Here are the upcoming key dates for private and corporate customers:
• Credit Cards will be terminated on November 30, 2024.
• Mobile banking will close in alignment with the S-Bank migration, scheduled for November 29, 2024.
• Private customer accounts and internet bank agreements will be terminated on March 31, 2025.
• Debit cards will be terminated on march 17, 2025.
• Corporate accounts and payment services will be terminated on June 30, 2025.



Country specific Card Account rules
Great Britain

Country specific information about our Card Account Information API and its implementation rules.


Individual customers

SCA Methods

The strong customer authentication (SCA) methods and security solutions applicable for British Individual customers are:

- Redirect: Digital ID
- Redirect: Card reader and log-on card, with / without cable

Card Accounts

We will deliver Charge Card Accounts for Individual customers. Debit card transactions are not included in this Card Account Information API because they are included in the Account Information API.

Card Accounts API Attributes for British Individual customers

In the below document you'll find which attributes are applicable for British Individual customers, as well as other rules for Card Accounts (e.g. the maximum number of transactions).

General Accounts API (that supports multiple countries): Card Accounts API Attributes GB Individuals document

NEW country specific Accounts & Cards API GB: Accounts and Cards API GB Attributes document